
Friday, 26 July 2013


I love to get a new book, get excited about it, guess what may happen and get involved with the characters. This was a great book for this. ARC with Darcy is a challenge for readers & artists of any skill. If you have lots of books you have been meaning to read this challenge is a chance to do that.  You read a book in a month, review it then do some art for that review. I read a lot any way, so I may not be reading books off my shelf as I have read them. I am constantly buying new or second hand books. I really like this idea of reviewing it with art as well.


This is for a book called Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. (Click the link for further information or to buy from Amazon)

The Review This is about a married couple, the wife goes missing and the husband is suspected of a hand in her disappearance. and it all goes on from there. The author uses diary entries from the wife to show how the wife views things and the present time is how we see things from the husbands point of view. 

I didn't like either character, both were less than perfect as in real life we all are. So I couldn't root for the hubby to be vindicated and I couldn't care less if the wife was found or not as she seemed a devious cow from the get go. But having said that, I think this is how the book is meant to make you feel. (although this could just be me). Wifey each anniversary sets up a mystery treasure hunt, each clue is given at the answer to the previous clue. (hope that makes sense?) hubby does this with out telling the police and as he finds each clue ....... Can't really tell you any more with out spoiling the book. But even though I didn't like the characters I wanted to know what was going to happen to both of them. I really liked the book actually and I thought it was very cleverly written. The heading at the beginning lets you know where you are and in what time reference so it's easy to follow. Over all I gave this 10/10 after reading it, I really enjoyed disliking the pair of them. They were made for each other and in my opinion it has a good ending.

The Art I found some resist paper I had forgot I had and decided this would be the base for my journal pages, as it had a writing feel to it. This would go along with the written diary and clues given. I made some envelopes out of card and wrote the clues on there and added lots of ink all over. I wrote my own review and popped that in the pockets I have made for this Journal, for book reviews. I have quite a few finished now and I am behind with a couple of others I have read as well.

Next months book could be 'If' - by George Kempis' a freebie e-book from Kindle I read on my phone. Here's the link so you can read this if you like as well. Or I may just review Granny Squares by Susan Pinner I haven't reviews a craft book yet and I read a fair few lol.

Finally I would also like to add this entry to PPF and join in with all the wonderful artist there as well. Have a lovely weekend Dxx

Monday, 1 July 2013

Journal Journey's Ch 21

Hello everyone, we have had some more NEW faces this month (which we LOVE) and I have really enjoyed looking at your pages & talent. I never get board of  Art Journaling. BIG apology now, I am SO SORRY I haven't played along this month. I know, I had another bad fall so have been sat on the sofa crocheting with my feet up. I Couldn't face the table & chair and effort involved with just sitting let alone stretching. I am SO grateful for our lovely GDT member I am feeling much better now though so maybe I will join you through out this month :) Which brings me nicely on to this months challenge.

This months challenge is .....


The lovely Birgit is our wonderful GDT Member this month a special thank you to her as she was busy and fit us in specially and I know I am so glad she did. Birgit has this say about her self & art work. " I Like to play with different materials. Rubber stamps, paints, pencils, paste, magazine images, different papers and so on. Therefore art journaling is best. I'm not an artist; I'm a hobbyist and do it just for fun. Sometimes more... sometimes less. "  I love Birgits work, such colour and doodling on the hats is fab.

I hope you can find time to join in this month again. The winner of the GD spot for the month of August is Jeanette I hope you will honour us all with a special appearance. Please e-mail me So I can give you next months details.

Just a little though here, have you any suggestions for over the Winter for Challenges you would like to do? I want some fresh ideas for the Autumn, Halloween & Christmas. I know I can think of lots, but if there is anything you would fancy having a go at in particular leave me a comment. Have a wonderful month Dxx